
The Guyana Oil Company Limited has been in existence since 16 June 1976. The Company’s business involves the importation, storage, distribution and marketing of motor gasoline (Super 95), gasoil, kerosene, fuel oil, ULSD and Castrol lubricants.

The products are distributed through the largest distribution network in the petroleum business in Guyana, comprising fifty-two (52) Dealer Owned Dealer Operated (DODO) and eight (8) Company Owned Company Operated (COCO) Service Stations. Both DODOs and COCOs are all serviced by GUYOIL’s three Terminals located in Regions II (Adventure), IV (Providence) and VI (Heathburn).

Guyoil distribution fleet comprises of fourteen (14) Road Tank Wagons (RTWs), nine (9) operate from the Providence Terminal, three (3) from the Heathburn Terminal and two (2) from the Adventure Depot. These RTWs distribute fuel products to all our service stations, dealers, government ministries, government agencies and all major customers.