Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 28, 2020: Supplementary allocations for key sectors including Agriculture, Housing and Water, Amerindian Affairs and...
Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 22, 2020: Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr....
Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 22, 2020: 1. Emphasizes need for timely processing of claims and payments of benefits. 2....
Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 16, 2020: Finance Minister tours GRA Headquarters, wharves amid hectic year-end clearance process -reiterates Govt’s...
Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 11, 2020: Following fruitful negotiations with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Government yesterday secured two...
Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 11, 2020: As Guyana continues to foster deeper cooperation ties with the United States...
Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 4, 2020: Despite being a caretaker Government and ironically even after acknowledging that they were...
National Budget
The objective of the Office of the Budget within the Ministry of Finance is “to foster strong economic development through effective management of the economy and more specifically public finances”. Learn more about the OoNB here.
The National Procurement and Tender Administration was established in accordance with Section 16 (1) of the Procurement Act 2003 which came into effect in November 2004, with the signing of the Order by the Minister of Finance.
The mission of NPTA is to facilitate the establishment and implementation of a regulatory environment conducive to transparency, economy, efficiency, openness, fairness and accountability in public sector procurement.
Careers and EOI
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