
New NRF Bill dismantles APNU/AFC’s architecture for Ministerial involvement and interference

Bill strengthens transparency and oversight

December 17, 2021– The Ministry of Finance has taken note of recent pronouncements made, particularly in a page 1 comment as well as an article carried in the 17 December 2021 edition of Stabroek News, both of which can only be described misguided, hypocritical, and disingenuous.

The comment and article astonishingly express concern about the fact that the Government will be able to choose all of the members of the Board of Directors of the Natural Resource Fund. In doing so, the article conveniently chooses to ignore the fact that the previous NRF Act, which was rammed down the throats of the Guyanese people by the APNU/AFC dictatorship after they had already lost the no- confidence motion, did not even make provision for a Board of Directors. Instead, in the absence of any provision for a Board of Directors, the APNU/AFC model for the NRF was a one-man autocratic show comprising the Minister of Finance as the sole and all-powerful authority, exercising full and absolute control over the Fund.

Under the APNU/AFC model, the omnipotent Minister had exclusive power for the overall management of the Fund, including preparation and approval of its Investment Mandate, preparation of the operational agreement with the Bank of Guyana, as well as determination of the economically sustainable amount and the fiscally sustainable amount that can be withdrawn from the Fund. Bizarrely, the authors of the SN page 1 comment and article do not appear to have any difficulties with this ministerial autocracy that was established by the APNU/AFC under their NRF model, but they astonishingly have a difficulty with the PPP/C model that removes the Minister of Finance from that one-man show and introduces a Board that includes private sector representation as well as a nominee of the National Assembly.

In like manner, the comment also insinuates negativity around the withdrawal rule proposed by the PPP/C’s Bill, without taking account of the ironic fact that, at least under the PPP/C withdrawal rule the author of the SN article is able to calculate how much will be transferred, whereas under the APNU/AFC withdrawal rule the world is in the dark as to exactly how much will be withdrawn. Indeed, until the omnipotent APNU/AFC Minister decides in his sole judgement what the economically and fiscally sustainable amount will be, the entire world will be kept guessing as to what the amount to be withdrawn in any year will be.

The Ministry hereby emphasise that one of the major differences between the NRF Act 2019 and NRF Bill 2021 is that government, by removing the excessive powers of the Minister in the new Bill presented, allows for management of the Fund by the Board of Directors, a Board which will be responsible for reviewing and approving the policies of the Fund and monitoring its performance, thereby completely separating the management of the Fund from the Minister responsible for Finance. In the NRF Act 2019 these functions were the responsibility of the Finance Minister. The Ministry therefore fails to see how Stabroek News could presumptuously conclude that the key policy matters would be exclusively in the purview of the PPP/C administration.

In addition, the Directors of the Board as stipulated under Part III of the proposed Bill (Governance and Management of the Fund) “shall be selected from among persons who have wide experience and ability in legal, financial business or administrative matters, one of whom shall be nominated by the National Assembly and one of whom shall be a representative of the private sector.” The Ministry of Finance is baffled as to why the newspaper would conclude once more that the government chooses all members of the NRF Board and worse yet, how does the media house conclude that matters would be ‘exclusively in the purview of the PPP/C administration and its allies in the private sector and elsewhere.”

Another erroneous statement made by the Stabroek News in its report is that “The Board of Directors would replace the 22-member Committee in the APNU/AFC version of the NRF which was assented to by former President David Granger”.

In actuality, the 22-member Public Accountability and Oversight Committee has been replaced by a 9-member Committee which will include as stipulated in the NRF Bill 2021, and which will include a nominee of the National Assembly; three representatives of the religious community; two representatives of the private sector; two representatives of organized labour; and one representative of the professions. The proposed 9-member composition of this committee is more practical, realistic, administratively more efficient, and would provide non-governmental oversight of the fund. In comparison, the APNU/AFC 22 member committee was designed to be cumbersome and non-functional.

The NRF Bill 2021 will allow for greater accountability and transparency in the management of Guyana’s oil resources, as amendments in the proposed legislation state that the Minister could face up to ten years imprisonment if he fails to disclose the receipt of any petroleum revenue received by Government in the Official Gazette within three months of receipt of such monies. This would avoid situations like in the past where an US$18 million Signing Bonus was illegally diverted out of the consolidated fund.

The spirit and letter of NRF Bill 2021 promotes prudent management of our natural resource wealth for the benefit of both present and future generations. The proposed bill sets ceilings on withdrawals from the fund in every year except the first, specifically to secure savings for the future. However, the immediate need for sound and transformative investments in order to advantageously position our economy to ensure that the benefits from the oil and gas sector redounds towards the wider economy and all Guyanese. The solitary exception of the first year of the life of the fund takes into account the pressing development needs which must be financed, and instead of turning to the more costly option of borrowing from creditors, we can utilize our own resources for the betterment of our people.

Additionally, the mechanism to withdraw funds outlined in the NRF Bill 2021 removes the complexities and hinderances to achieving the Fund’s objectives by providing a simpler, more transparent formula for calculating the ceiling on annual withdrawals. Recall that the NRF Act 2019 was the subject of criticism from many subject matter experts, including the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in its publication entitled “Economic Institutions for a Resilient Caribbean” which includes a detailed assessment of Guyana’s NRF (pages 271). Amongst the observations made by that assessment were that “The formula for the maximum permissible withdrawal is among the most complex operational rules for a resource fund in the world. Its design departs from good practices”. (p. 271)


Government of Guyana and United Nations sign 2022-2026 Co-operation Framework Agreement

10 December, 2021 – The Government of Guyana and the United Nations (UN) System today signed the new regional Multi-Country Sustainable Development Co-operation Framework (MSDCF) for the English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean covering the period 2022-2026. The agreement was officially inked by Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni K. Singh and the UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Yeşim Oruç.

The MSDCF is the primary instrument for planning and implementation of the UN development activities delivered by over 20 UN agencies, funds, and programs towards the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda in the participating countries, including Guyana. It was developed in consultation with governments, regional organizations, the private sector, development partners, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders.

At the signing, Hon. Dr. Ashni Singh, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, reaffirmed government’s commitment to the advancement of Agenda 2030 and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He then highlighted that the UN MSDCF Agreement’s pillars are in alignment with government’s principles and added that this was an indication of its strong commitment to the established global principles.

On referring to Pillar 2 that speaks to the issue of “building resilience to climate-induced and natural hazards”, Minister Singh said that Guyana is part of a tiny minority of countries where the majority wake up every morning below sea-level. He explained that this situation causes the country to expend extraordinary amounts of fiscal resources to construct a physical defence against rising sea levels. Meanwhile, Dr. Singh said that successive generations of Guyanese have recognized the perils associated with cutting down their forest and kept it intact. He cautioned that domestic action alone will not suffice to contain the scourge of continued rising sea levels and added that the fight against climate change is a good illustration of the importance of multilateralism and global action.

The Minister further stated that government remains strongly committed to the sustainable management of natural resources while at the same time, intends to address the very pressing development imperative that the country faces. He stated that on the regional agenda, a subject that is closely related was that of agriculture and food security and noted that on this government’s return to office in 2020, the administration set about renewing its advocacy on the importance of agriculture and food security, not only globally, but in the region and in Guyana. Minister Singh mentioned that President Ali was asked to resume the portfolio responsibility for agriculture, a position previously held by Guyana. He emphasized that agriculture is an extremely important part of Guyana’s economic diversification strategy in which the country has already started to promote an aggressive agenda, with large scale food production, and has also begun to advance its agro processing and business agenda to unlock some of the persistent barriers to intraregional trade in agricultural output.

Minister Singh reaffirmed that Guyana continues to value partnerships and relations with the UN and looks forward to the translation of the development co-operation framework into national action plans for the process of implementation.

Also present at the signing ceremony was Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Honourable Gail Teixeira, who recalled that this government struggled to achieve democracy in 1992 and 2020. She further explained that with the help of global partnerships this administration was able to overcome the obstacles. For this reason, she therefore emphasized the role of global partnerships in the preservation of democracy and its important link to development.

Meanwhile, the Honourable, Hugh Todd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation endorsed Guyana’s commitment to multilateralism and its support for global governance. He noted that inking of the agreement is a demonstration of our collective efforts towards the attainment of a better global environment.

The UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Yeşim Oruç stated that “this important partnership agreement between the UN and the Government of Guyana reinforces our shared commitment to the achievement of the Global Goals and to mobilize the UN to accompany Guyana’s remarkable development trajectory.”

“Across all the areas of sustainable development, ‘People’, ‘Prosperity’, ‘Planet’ and ‘Peace’, there is great momentum in Guyana. We also know that there is much to be done for Guyana to reach its own national development ambitions. This framework agreement will guide the UN in our efforts to be an ever more responsive partner to Guyana. I am delighted to be signing this cooperation framework today on Human Rights Day and on behalf of the UN agencies, funds, and programs operating in Guyana. My UN Country Team colleagues and I look forward to working with you and the people of Guyana in delivering on this partnership through a range of country programs starting in 2022,” added Ms. Oruç.

The MSDCF is a development cooperation agreement that aims to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It promotes diversity, inclusion, and universal rights in national development efforts to ensure that no one is left behind. The agreement identifies common challenges faced by countries in the Caribbean region and positions the UN to complement national development efforts.

Financial Papers presented in Parliament by Senior Finance Minister

-Funding sought for critical interventions of national importance

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 13, 2021: Government today presented financial papers to address a number of urgent interventions across several key sectors including Agriculture, Housing and Water, Health, Education, Public Works and Security, with Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh today making the presentation to the National Assembly as it resumed for its 32 nd Sitting.

The Financial Papers, amounting to over $26 billion, include Financial Paper No 3 of 2021 totalling $5.1 billion which caters for Contingency Fund advances covering the period July 22-December 9, 2021 and provides for a number of interventions, including payment for one off cash-grants to severed sugar workers, Out of Crop support to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO), cash- grants to private school students, provisions for eight containerized offices and construction of two bridges for the Brickdam Police Station which was recently ravaged by fire.

On Saturday and Sunday last, the Government commenced disbursement of the one-off cash grants of $250,000 each to severed sugar workers with Dr. Singh and Minister of Agriculture Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha spearheading the distribution.

The grant was handed over to sugar workers at four estates- Enmore, Skeldon, Rose Hall and Wales. The grant was first announced by Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo during a meeting with severed workers earlier this year and forms part of Government's commitment to rebuilding and restructuring of the sugar industry and providing direct relief to the people of Guyana.

The closure of the estates under the previous Government had left thousands of workers on the breadline, resulting in the sudden death of village economies where the estates were located. As a result of the disbursements, over $1.3 billion will be injected into the estates’ surrounding communities.

Meanwhile, in relation to cash grants to children attending private schools, it would be the first time that this initiative was implemented. President Irfaan Ali, in September last granted approval for the Because We Care cash grant to be extended to parents of children attending private schools.

With respect to Financial Paper No 4 of 2021, $21.47 billion is being sought, including supplementary funding of $755 million for countrywide drainage and irrigation interventions as Government continue to address the impact of flooding across the country. President Ali recently activated a Cabinet-level Task force to respond to the current rainy season, so as ensure that there is a proactive and coordinated response and mitigative systems are in place and functional.

The Supplementary paper also seeks $7.7 billion to support the acceleration of the National Housing Drive. Notably, Government has surpassed the targeted allocations of 10,000 house lots by end of 2021 and is on the path to achieving the Manifesto promise of 50,000 house lots allocated by the end of the first term in office. Relatedly, $1.1 billion is provided for the upgrade and expansion of Coastal and Hinterland Water supply.

As Government continues with its aggressive infrastructure agenda, funding is sought for the Sheriff to Mandela Road Project, critical sea and river defense works in several areas and reconstruction of bridges at Issano and Bamia. Funds for the Baggage Handling System at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) are being sought in Financial Paper No. 4 as well.

Other allocations that are being sought include medical supplies to continuously address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, resources to support Amerindian Development projects and programmes, as well as funding for the rehabilitation of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in the aftermath of fire in November last. Additionally, Financial Paper No. 4 is seeking funding to help clear arrears to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Incorporated and payment on the mobilization advance on the City Hall Restoration Project.

These Financial Papers, which are seeking funding for a number of urgent interventions of national importance, will be debated during the next Sitting of the National Assembly slated for December 16, 2021.

Senior Finance Minister tables FMAA Bill to streamline Budget process of Constitutional Agencies while preserving their independence

-to prescribe manner in which Constitutional Agencies’ budgets are approved and withdrawals made from Consolidated Fund among other adjustments

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 13, 2021: -An Amendment to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA) to ensure further streamlining of the budget process in relation to Constitutional Agencies was today tabled in the National Assembly by Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh.

The Bill seeks to amend the FMAA Act Chapter 73:02 for the purpose of ‘prescribing the manner in which budgets are approved and withdrawals are made from the Consolidated Fund in respect of Constitutional Agencies’. Additionally, the amendment aims to ensure accountability and sets out the practice and procedure to which these Constitutional Agencies must conform in the management of their subventions for the efficient discharge of their functions.

The amendments are necessary as they serve to streamline the Budget process particularly in relation to constitutional agencies while simultaneously ensuring the preservation of the independence of the agencies.

The Bill intends to include amendments such as an amendment to section 15 of the FMAA to require that an annual budget proposed to include a motion in compliance with article 218 and 222 A of the Constitution.

Meanwhile, another amendment seeks to amend section 40 e of the Audit Act to provide for the presentation of the Audit Office Budget.

In January last, Minister Singh had tabled a motion for an amendment to the Fiscal Management and Accountability (Amendment) Act 2021 seeking to amend the FMAA Chapter 73:02 to allow for the correction of a number of anomalies relating to the budget process applicable to constitutional agencies.

Arising from the 2015 amendment to the FMAA by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC), constitutional agencies’ budgets were required to be sent to the National assembly in advance of the submission of the rest of the National Budget. This two-stage process resulted in a fragmented and inefficient process for consideration of the National Budget and denied the Parliament an opportunity to view and consider the budget in a comprehensive manner.


Senior Finance Minister congratulates CDB on milestone attained

-as BNTF launches 10th Cycle, US$30.5 M to be allocated across 9 Participating Countries

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 13, 2021: During the opening ceremony today for the virtual launch of Basic Needs Trust Fund’s (BNTF) 10 th Cycle under the theme ‘Reducing the incidence of poverty and building resilience, through an inclusive community development approach’, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh while delivering remarks, first congratulated the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) on the milestone achieved of serving the Caribbean Region for 42 years as he alluded to some of the work the Fund, under the auspices of the Bank has done in the region. The Minister also commended the Bank for its commitment to the continuity of BNTF and for securing funds to continue the programme.

“BNTF was created with the express purpose of poverty-reduction, and it quickly became well known as the Bank’s flagship poverty reduction initiative. Over the past four decades, interventions have provided access to improved social infrastructure including markets, health posts, resource centres and schools; provided first time access to potable water; improved roads, bridges and footpaths; and provided certified skills-training aimed at enhancing employability and income generation. BNTF initiatives have impacted us all regionally, nationally and most importantly our peoples at the grass roots level,” Dr. Singh posited.

The Minister highlighted the fact that as of February 2017, through the first eight BNTF Programme cycles, over 2,750 sub-projects were implemented to directly impact the lives of more than 3 million people across the region. He noted however that there still remains a number of challenges in spite of these accomplishments.

“Our Region continues to face a vast multitude of development challenges, some longstanding and others new. These include most immediately the COVID-19 pandemic, which has compounded the pre- existing challenges such as climate change vulnerabilities, infrastructure gaps including in such catalytic areas as transport and energy infrastructure, food security issues, global competitiveness and gender equality amongst others. These are issues that pose challenges to our Governments and the Bank. Despite these hurdles, we as Participating Countries have worked diligently to maintain macroeconomic stability, jumpstart our respective economies, deliver national objectives and improve the circumstances of our people, “the Senior Finance Minister said.

Further outlining other accomplishments and challenges faced in Education, Water Access and Sanitization, Basic Community Accessing and Drainage and Human Resource Development (HRD) and Livelihoods, Dr. Singh noted that under the 10th Cycle the CDB will continue to invest and focus on these sectors across 9 Participating Countries.

Also speaking at the event President of the CDB, Dr. Hyginus ‘Gene’ Leon alluded to the CDB’s focus on ensuring that its development discussions center on how the BNTF can strengthen its programme to enhance development outcomes especially given the recent setbacks from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This pandemic has underscored our challenges yet to be resolved, can amplify the impact of shocks that are outside of our control. At the same time, it begs the question of how much more amplification can arise from future shocks if we do not address the compound layering of the impact of COVID-19 and the structural weaknesses that existed before COVID-19. I refer to the poverty, inequality, health and education, economic concentration, low access to affordable financing and inadequate infrastructure challenges of today and the future challenge arising from Climate Change,” Dr. Leon explained.

The CDB President also noted that the launch was quite timely in terms of the end of year period during which it was occurring.

“It is coincidental but quite fitting that this launch is taking place during the Christmas season when focus is on how best to bring hope and goodwill to a world that remains mired in significant economic, social and environmental challenges,” he emphasized.

A total of 30.5 million USD has been allocated under the 10th cycle across the 9 Participating Countries to implement sub-projects. Interventions will be tailored to empower the poor and vulnerable and strengthen institutional development by integrating SDGs and cross-cutting areas such as gender quality and environmental sustainability.

Guyana began receiving Country Project grants from CDB’s Third Programme in 1993 and has continued to benefit consistently throughout the programmes. Minister Singh concluded that BNTF in Guyana has been a success and the benefits and rewards through the many interventions in community development and the provision of basic needs to citizens, particularly in rural and hinterland areas, are undeniable. He noted too that looking forward, Guyana intends to build on the lessons learnt and successes from the previous programmes in line with national priorities.

CDB's Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) has for over 40 years invested more than $300 million to fight poverty and improve the quality of life in the poorest communities in the Caribbean.

Finance Minister congratulates Teleperformance BPO on 5th anniversary

Over 1200 new jobs created by BPO sector since August 2020

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, December 6, 2021: -As Government continues to recognize the tremendous potential of the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry and its important role in the economic landscape of Guyana, Senior Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni K. Singh today attended and delivered the feature address at Teleperformance’s 5th Anniversary ceremony at the Pegasus Hotel where he highlighted that the BPO industry currently employs 4,135 persons, an increase of 1,229 new jobs for Guyanese country-wide when compared to August 2020.

The Minister met with Teleperformance’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Luis Baretto and pledged the Government’s continued support to the development of the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry in Guyana, recognising Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as key to building an economy for the future and also as an enabler for job- creation. The Minister was accompanied by CEO of the Guyana Office for Investment, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop.

Teleperformance’s CEO Luis Baretto during his presentation, detailed the history and the expansion plans of Teleperformance Guyana, the parent company being the global leader in the BPO industry. Teleperformance currently employs 1200 persons in Guyana (up from 846 employees in August 2020, 50 percent of whom work remotely) and plans to create an additional 1000 new jobs in 2022. Teleperformance’s recipe for success is built on high technology, including reliable and redundant Informational Technology architecture and the company’s focus is on ‘hiring the right people along with continuous training and development’.

During the ceremony, on behalf of President Ali and the Government, Dr. Singh congratulated the efforts of Teleperformance Guyana, even as the country continues to combat the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also welcomed the projected expansion plans of the company, including its plan to add approximately 1000 new jobs by the end of 2022, with the possibility of even more jobs as the company explores options for a second facility.

The PPP/C Government has recognised the tremendous potential of the BPO sector and its important role in the economic landscape of Guyana as well as information communications and other technology being key to building an economy for the future and assisting in the efficient delivery of public services. In addition, ICT is a primary employer including through the provision of high value BPO services for the global market place, as well as promoting digital innovation in all sectors. Minster Singh posited that since August 2020, over 1200 jobs have been created in the BPO industry in Guyana.

Dr. Singh expressed his satisfaction that Teleperformance, the global leader in the BPO industry recognised Guyana’s unique advantages and competitiveness as a destination for BPO businesses, including a highly educated workforce, strategic geographic location and the county being a native English-speaking one.

While welcoming Teleperformance’s expansion plans in Guyana and the Caribbean, Minister Singh also urged the company to expand its regional footprint to areas such as Linden, Berbice and Essequibo. Teleperformance has adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic both globally and here in Guyana, where employees who work from home account for 50 percent of total employees. This not only creates employment in hard-to-reach areas, but also facilitates employment of persons who, due to domestic circumstances, cannot attend a physical office set-up. It also lays the ground work for the development of the resource pool in new areas/ regions where new expansion is planned.

Government has expressed its intention to continue to work closely to build and support the BPO industry, creating the necessary enabling environment and improve the ease of doing business. Immediately after assuming office, the Government liberalized the telecommunications sector, leading to increased competition and resulting in some price reductions for data and calling charges. The PPP/C government has also been working diligently to expand the ICT infrastructure and plans to continue to invest in ICT education.

EU-Ministry of Finance discuss cooperation programme

Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh recently met with European Union (EU) Ambassador to Guyana Dr. Fernando Ponz Cantó at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre where the two officials co-chaired an important Policy Dialogue focused on EU-Guyana Development Cooperation. The meeting was a successful step towards further cooperation achievements for the benefit of Guyana’s citizens with discussions focused on the EU’s development cooperation programme with Guyana. The EU and Guyana have an increasingly close partnership, based on common values, objectives and interests covering all matters of mutual interest.

While addressing the meeting, Minister Singh placed on record the strong appreciation of the Government for the EU’s sustained support to Guyana over the years. He also expressed optimism that the strong relationship that Guyana and the EU enjoy will continue to grow in the years ahead as Guyana traverses this new phase in its economic history.

Ambassador Fernando Ponz Cantó pledged the European Union's continued commitment to the EU- Guyana partnership as Guyana advances its development agenda as a new and emerging oil and gas producer. The Ambassador recalled the determination and resilience of the Guyanese people to preserve democratic norms and the rule of law. In particular, he commended the Government and the National Authorising Officer (NAO) for re-establishing this bi-lateral policy dialogue which had been absent during 2020 due to the political crisis and related events, and which is a fundamental element in the full normalization of cooperation including budget support.

Minister Singh then further reaffirmed Government's appreciation for the EU budget support Programme.

The two delegations held wide-ranging discussions that focused on the Government's ongoing investment Programme in the sea and river defense sector, including Mangroves. Both were key areas that underpin EU support over the last decades.

Additionally, Dr. Ashni Singh and the EU Ambassador held preliminary discussion on a new Technical Cooperation Facility valued at €2.73M in which Guyana will benefit from support for the implementation and development of policies to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Possible areas of support include health, livelihood development, biodiversity, forestry, governance and public financial management. The EU team also comprised Mr. Karel Lizerot, Head of Cooperation, and other members of the EU Delegation while the Ministry of Finance’s team included Mr. Tarachand Balgobin, Deputy National Authorising Officer (DNAO).

The EU Delegation in Guyana was established in December 1972 and is responsible for taking forward the EU-Guyana partnership including political, development, and socioeconomic relations, trade, and other major policy areas, based on solid human, cultural and historical links.

Senior Finance Minister hosts series of follow-up meetings with UAE on investment opportunities in various sectors

Special focus being placed on tourism, agriculture and other sectors

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, November 2, 2021: Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni K. Singh today hosted a virtual follow-up meeting between Mr. Maan Halabi, Managing Director of the Al Habtoor Group LLC located in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce Oneidge Walrond along with Guyanese private sector representatives. The meeting took place in the Boardroom of the Ministry of Finance and formed part of a series of meetings hosted by Dr. Singh recently as a follow-up to meetings first held in Dubai during a visit by President Irfaan Ali and a team of Government Ministers. The Guyanese Government officials had travelled to that country to attend the Dubai 2020 Exposition.

The Al Habtoor Group is one of the UAE's most respected and successful businesses that provides engineering and construction services but also operates in the hospitality, automotive, real estate, education and publishing sectors with vast investments in tourism. During President Ali’s visit to Dubai, the Al Habtoor Group had expressed interest in expanding its global footprint in the tourism properties market. As such, Government continues to court the group into taking up available investment opportunities in the hotel and resort industry here or partnering with local private sector investors to expand the industry. Today’s meeting allowed for the discussion of investment opportunities in these areas.

Dr. Singh noted that there is a wide range of opportunities for the Group to invest in Guyana, particularly in the tourism sector. These include greenfield investments in new flagship hotel projects, partnerships with existing investors currently developing hotel projects, and establishment of large-scale nature-based tourist resorts. He further indicated that the tourism sector is poised for rapid expansion in Guyana and is therefore attractive to international investors like the Al Habtoor Group which already has a global footprint of premium flagship hotels worldwide.

“The tourism industry in Guyana even before the COVID-19 period had started to gain international acclaim recognition especially for eco-tourism. With the advent of the oil and gas sector and that attention, we also began seeing increased interest with just visitors and businesses for the oil and gas sector so one of the good problems that we have so far in Guyana is that we have the need for good quality rooms, “Minister Walrond explained to Mr. Halabi.

She further noted that within a month of Government being in office, expressions of interest were sent out for internationally-branded hotels to be built in the country since one of Guyana’s premier hotels-the Marriott- is currently fully booked out until January 2022.

Noting that there has already been sod-turning for a number of new additional hotels, with two having taken place close to the Timehri International Airport, the Tourism Minister added that Government will soon send out expressions of interest for luxury-branded eco-tourism facilities within the eco-tourism industry as it hopes to have at least 2000 hotel rooms available for visitors to the country.

Meanwhile, former President of the Guyana Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) Mitra Ramkumar said he believes that the tourism industry in Guyana had already taken off even before the advent of oil and gas, adding that this country can learn much from the UAE on how its tourism industry can be a spin-off from the oil and gas sector especially since Guyana has pristine rainforests, a diversity of people, beauty and nature as well as vast lands for development and investment and as such, further investment can catapult its success.

It was only on Friday last that Minister Singh hosted another meeting between His Excellency Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and his team and Guyana’s Ministers of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat and Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond, along with other private sector key stakeholders within the Agriculture and Gold and Diamond mining sectors in Guyana.

At that meeting on Friday last, the teams indicated to the DMCC that Guyana has the capacity for the large-scale production of many agricultural commodities such as soya bean, ginger, corn, rice, coconuts, eddoes, cassava and plantains which can be exported to Dubai. It was emphasized that with Dubai being a major global commodity trading hub, Guyana stands to gain access to wider markets for its products. Meanwhile, other investment opportunities were noted, such as those in the forestry and mining sectors.

Upon hearing about these investment opportunities, DMCC then expressed interest in learning more about Guyana’s agricultural and mining potential including commodities such as coffee, cocoa and rare earth minerals. The Guyanese representatives from both the public and private sectors thereby noted that now is the opportune time for Guyana’s abundant resources to be transformed into wealth for the prosperity of all citizens.

Cabinet Grants ‘No-Objection’ to Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) and the New Demerara Harbour Bridge (NDHB)

Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP)

Cabinet, at its most recent meeting, has granted its ‘no objection’ for the Office of the Prime Minister to engage China Railway Group Limited to construct the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) based on a Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) model where the company will supply electricity to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc. at a cost not exceeding US$0.07737 per KWH and where the company will provide the entire equity required by the project and undertake all the risks associated with the project.

This follows the publication of a request for proposals by Government in various national newspapers during the period July 25 to August 15, 2021. A total of four companies submitted proposals, and China Railway Group Limited was identified as the most ‘capable partner’ by the Evaluation Committee after a rigorous evaluation process, following which the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) submitted the relevant recommendation to Cabinet for ‘no objection’.

The AFHP was first identified in 1976 by the Canadian company “Monenco’ during an extensive survey of hydroelectric power potential in Guyana. Various studies have since justified and strongly supported the construction of the AFHP. Recognizing the suitability and attractiveness of the project, the pre-2015 PPP/C Government had advanced preparation of AFHP by conducting extensive technical and financial studies of the project, including an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA). The then PPP/C Government had also mobilized international investor interest in the project, and a major private international investor (the Blackstone Group) had expressed serious interest in undertaking the project. Additionally, the then Government had earmarked US$80 million earned by Guyana under the Guyana-Norway partnership within the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) to help finance equity in the project.

These efforts to advance the project were blocked and derailed by the then APNU/AFC Opposition, who voted against the project in the National Assembly. The APNU/AFC later maintained their opposition to the project when they assumed office in 2015 and failed to offer any alternative to the project. This was despite the fact that the APNU/AFC Government in 2016, with support from Norway, hired an independent consultant (Norconsult) to review the project. The report, published in December 2016, recommended the development of AFHP as the best option for Guyana to achieve affordable, low-carbon electricity.

Consistent with a commitment given by the PPP/C to resume work to advance this project in the Party’s 2020 manifesto, on the basis of which the Party was elected to office in 2020, this Government has resumed efforts to realize this flagship project under the new and expanded LCDS. In its current formulation, it is expected that the project will require no equity contribution from Government, in comparison with the previous project structure which was based on a Government contribution of US$100 million. Additionally, the current structure anticipates a cost of power that will be lower than the initial cost of 11 cents per KWH contemplated by the previous project structure.

The AFHP will lower the cost of electricity needed to power Guyana’s economic diversification and transformation into a low carbon economy, as well as reduce the cost of power to the businesses and households. The project will also support initiatives such as the electrification of transport and e-mobility and accelerate the development of a robust ICT sector needed for an interconnected world as well as a competitive manufacturing sector.

The New Demerara Harbour Bridge (NDHB)

At the same meeting, Cabinet also granted its no-objection for the Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) to engage China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd. to construct the New Demerara Harbour Bridge (NDHB) based on a Design-Build-Finance (DBF) model with financial terms and conditions which would be no less favorable than those submitted in the preferred bidder’s price proposals. The proposal by China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd under the DBF model contemplates a construction cost of US$256.6 million, the lowest amongst all bidders.

Initially, the Government of Guyana, through the MoPW, pre-qualified nine (9) firms to submit bids for the construction of a two-lane dual carriageway (4 lanes) hybrid Cable-Stayed center span bridge with Concrete Box/T Beam Girder approach bridge structure with the following inclusions:

  • Bridge collision protection.
    • Navigation span to accommodate Handymax vessel Navigation aids.
    • Lighting, signage, and all other ancillary works.
    • Access road with a minimum of 50 meters up to abutments.
    • Toll collection buildings and ancillary buildings on the West Bank of the Demerara River.

The pre-qualified firms were invited to submit bids to construct the bridge using a Design-Build-Finance (D- B-F) contract and Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (D-B-F-O-M) contract. At the pre-bid meeting, held on June 28, 2021, it was agreed that the closing date for submission of bids would be October 5, 2021. Only five of the pre-qualified bidders submitted bids, of which four (4) obtained the required minimum score for the technical proposal. The Evaluation Committee recommended that the Procuring Entity engage China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd. using the Design-Build-Finance (DBF) model on financing terms and conditions no less favourable than those proposed by the highest ranked bidder. The NPTAB subsequently submitted the recommendation to Cabinet, and Cabinet granted its ‘no objection’.

The NDHB comprises a critical component of the Government’s drive to expand and modernize Guyana’s transport infrastructure. It aims to replace the aging Demerara Harbour Bridge with a modern four-lane structure that will facilitate greater traffic capacity and dramatically improve commuter convenience. The new bridge will offer easy connectivity to both the existing East Bank Demerara road as well as the new Diamond to Ogle bypass on the eastern side of the River and to the existing West Bank Demerara Road and the new Parika to Schoonord Road on the western side of the River. The new bridge will also offer critical connectivity to the new Wales Development Authority which will be a major centre of productive activity when it comes on stream.

Finance Minister Meets Mubadala – UAE Sovereign Investment Vehicle – as Guyana’s participation in Dubai World Expo Continues

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, October 20, 2021: Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and a group of Guyanese private sector representatives met earlier today with Mubadala, the sovereign wealth investment company within the United Arab Emirates. The Mubadala delegation was led by Mr. Musabbeh Al Kaabi, Chief Executive Officer of UAE Investments. The meeting took place at Mubadala’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi, on the margins of Guyana’s participation in World Expo 2020 currently being held in Dubai, at which Guyana’s delegation is led by His Excellency the President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali.

During the meeting with Mubadala, Minister Singh and the Guyanese delegation reiterated the rapid economic transformation that is currently underway in Guyana, and highlighted a number of sectors that are poised for immediate growth and that are therefore ripe with investment opportunities. These include: the oil and gas sector which is poised to exceed one million barrels a day before the end of the decade; non-oil extractives such as gold, bauxite, manganese, and other minerals, with a number of international large scale operations already set to ramp up their production plans in the near term; tourism and hospitality including new and emerging sub-sectors such as the development of cruise ship facilities as well as yachting marinas; world class medical and educational facilities, including to provide medical care and education as services for export; as well as information and communications technology and others. Minister Singh also alluded to the several characteristics that make Guyana one of the most rapidly growing economies of the world and one of the most attractive destinations for investment globally under the leadership of President Irfaan Ali.

The Mubadala team welcomed the information shared by Minister Singh and the delegation on the Guyanese economy and associated investment opportunities in Guyana, sought various clarifications which were addressed by the Guyanese team, and signaled interest in advancing discussions in a number of specific areas. The two sides committed to advance these discussions as appropriate.

Mubadala is a $243 billion (UAE Dirhams 894 billion) business that spans six continents with interests across multiple sectors and asset classes. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, Mubadala also has offices in London, Rio de Janeiro, Moscow, New York, San Francisco and Beijing. The UAE Investments platform within Mubadala contributes to the acceleration of the UAE’s economic transformation, and investing in national world class champions, fostering vibrant industrial and commercial clusters, and partnering with world-class global entities.

The Guyanese delegation’s participation in Dubai Expo continued during today and will continue tomorrow with a number of engagements set between the Guyanese representatives and representatives of both UAE Government agencies as well as private sector entities all with the aim of fostering closer economic ties and promoting accelerated economic growth.