‘Today’s occasion illustrates that which is possible’-Finance Minister says as new Surinamese Optical store launched in Guyana

Lauds company for its interest and investment in Guyana

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, August 19, 2021: As Guyana and Suriname’s bilateral talks continue, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh today in delivering remarks at the launch of a new Surinamese optical store, Optiek Ninon on Camp Street in Georgetown, said Guyana is fully open for business as he lauded the Surinamese company for its investment in Guyana and simultaneously urged Guyanese companies to expand beyond Guyana’s border and invest in Suriname as he alluded to the fact that both countries’ Presidents have expressed similar interests during their discussions.

“At this very moment, Presidents Ali and Santokhi are meeting at the Pegasus Hotel with the private sectors of Guyana and Suriname discussing the incredibly exciting opportunities that there are for greater private sector expansion from the cross border perspective…and it must be a fortuitous and particularly special coincidence that the opening of this store is happening at a time when the Governments and the private sectors of our two countries are meeting to discuss what you have demonstrated is possible and doable,” Minister Singh said addressing the business’ representatives at the launch.

He added that the launch was symbolic as well because while Guyana and Suriname have been neighbours for time immemorial and while there has been movement of people back and forth across the Corentyne River, the economic potential of that proximity has not nearly realized the fullness of its potential.

“President Irfaan Ali could not be more emphatic in his conviction that the private sector will be the driver of economic growth and transformation. Internally, in our respective countries we are committed to making every aspect of doing business easier and simpler, and right now work is ongoing to identify ways in which bureaucratic processes can be simplified,” Minister Singh emphasized.

Meanwhile Suriname’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation, Mr. Albert Ramdin, while congratulating the Company on its fiftieth anniversary, expressed satisfaction that a business in his country had grown and expanded its brand in Guyana.

“This is the first branch in Georgetown. Establishing Optiek Ninon in Guyana is kind of a branding of Suriname as well. We take that as a value that we should not underestimate. We strongly believe that these two markets must be seen as one single market. We have to expand that market-it creates business opportunities, it creates opportunities for growth, investment and employment,” the Surinamese Minister said, then further expressed the hope that Guyanese businesses will also expand and open their doors in
Suriname to create opportunities as well for his country.

Optiek Ninon is a leading optical business in Suriname with over fifty years of experience and six branches in that country. The new store in Guyana is its seventh and first multinational branch. The business’ Founder was the late Ninon Brunings who opened her first store in Suriname in 1971. According to the business’s representatives, Ms. Ninon’s goal and passion was to make good eyesight and good quality glasses accessible to everyone.

They expressed their enthusiasm and excitement at having ventured to Guyana to open the business’ doors and lauded Guyanese for their hospitality and welcoming spirit during the time they spent here making arrangements for the business start-up. The Company has also employed a number of Guyanese as part of its team.

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