
Senior Finance Minister in Uzbekistan attending IsDB Meetings

Expected to ramp up more support for development projects in Guyana:

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, September 1, 2021: In continuing to advance Guyana's development trajectory, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh is currently attending the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group’s Annual Meetings in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. Guyana’s delegation attending the meetings also includes First Secretary and Charge d’Affaires at
Guyana’s Embassy in Kuwait, Safraaz Shadood. The meetings, taking place from September 1 to September 4, will see the IsDB’s Boards of Governors and General Assemblies discussing development, economic and financial issues along with institutional matters. Guyana became a member of the IsDB in 2016 making it the 57th country and the second from Latin America after Suriname to join the Bank.

The meetings of the Bank would usually attract over 2000 participants and the IsDB has noted that the Annual Meetings offer an ideal platform for decision-makers to discuss challenges and explore IsDB Group member countries’ economic and developmental opportunities. It was also noted that during the Annual Meetings, ‘participants benefit from various knowledge-sharing and flagship events which feature top-level panelists from governments, international and regional organizations, private sector, academia, and civil society’. Additionally, the Bank pointed out that the knowledge- sharing events programme provides a dynamic platform to discuss economic financial and development issues of current interest to IsDB Group member countries and their partners, while they also aim to encourage discussions and debates, promote partnerships, cooperation, and exchange experiences.

After his Assumption to office in August 2020, President Irfaan Ali met with President of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Dr. Bandar Hajjar, and had discussions on financing for solar energy, agriculture, infrastructure, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) and measures in the fight against COVID-19. Then, in June last, following the unprecedented flooding of several
areas in Guyana, the IsDB committed to mobilizing support for the country in terms of critical intervention measures following another meeting between its President and the Head of State. The IsDB President had assured (following that meeting) that the Bank would make all efforts to support Guyana’s rebuilding efforts and enable more resilient infrastructure.

Earlier this month, the Government applied for financial support from the IsDB for the Hinterland Electrification Programme. It was pointed out that some funding would be used to target the construction and rehabilitation of two small hydropower plants in Lethem Region Nine.

Finance Minister tours Midas BPO Inc.

Lauds CEO on remarkable success as 330 jobs created over the last 12 months

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, August 24, 2021: Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni K. Singh today visited Midas Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Inc., located on New Market Street, Georgetown, where he lauded the efforts of the business’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Malcolm Sobers on pursuing his vision, which eventually materialized into a successful BPO facility in Guyana. The businessman currently employs 330 Guyanese, and his business is heading towards expansion soon. Mr. Sobers, a Guyanese, who started as a young employee himself in 2001 (later becoming a consultant then proprietor), indicated that he intends to employ at least 1000 persons by the end of 2021 or soonest. His business has branches located at Grove, East Bank Demerara as well as on Lombard Street currently. However, by the end of this month, he will consolidate the branch at Lombard Street with the newly set up one at New Market Street.

Midas BPO Inc. is a Contact Centre/BPO company with its Founder, Mr. Sobers having approximately 20 years of experience in Call-Centre operations both in Guyana and in Belize, where he had lived for some time and assisted the industry through consultancy work. In Belize, he started working on his vision of his own BPO business with just four agents employed back in 2014. The business grew to between 60 to 70 employees and, Mr. Sobers decided to return to his homeland to take up consultancy work in 2019. In August 2020, he commenced his operations in Guyana during the COVID-19 pandemic, starting out with a few agents working from home. The rest became history, but it was 20 years of gradual success for Mr. Sobers who started as a youth in the industry and even met his now wife, Mrs. Sobers, also working in a BPO Call Centre at the time. Midas BPO Inc. presently employs approximately 330 agents while its Founder still maintains operations in Belize.

During the visit, the Finance Minister described Mr. Sobers’ story (of spending all of his working life in the industry and later becoming a proprietor himself) as a remarkable one, and one which others can emulate, as it highlights that the sector has unique possibilities for success and growth for each agent. He noted, therefore, that it should not be taken lightly and is partly why his Government intends to continue working with the sector to ensure its continued growth, as this will allow for the creation of thousands of jobs and the generation of income for many families. He also emphasized that the visit is in keeping with the PPP/C Government’s larger vision of diversifying the Guyanese economy and ensuring that there is a dynamic economic base.

The Finance Minister, who was accompanied on the visit by GOINVEST's Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, encouraged the enthusiastic proprietor to expand his operations to other Regions of Guyana, which Mr. Sobers indicated he fully intends to do.

The Senior Finance Minister’s visit was part of a recent series of visits to BPO facilities as Government continues its path of economic diversification, part of which includes promoting Guyana as a premier destination for BPO business.

‘Today’s occasion illustrates that which is possible’-Finance Minister says as new Surinamese Optical store launched in Guyana

Lauds company for its interest and investment in Guyana

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, August 19, 2021: As Guyana and Suriname’s bilateral talks continue, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh today in delivering remarks at the launch of a new Surinamese optical store, Optiek Ninon on Camp Street in Georgetown, said Guyana is fully open for business as he lauded the Surinamese company for its investment in Guyana and simultaneously urged Guyanese companies to expand beyond Guyana’s border and invest in Suriname as he alluded to the fact that both countries’ Presidents have expressed similar interests during their discussions.

“At this very moment, Presidents Ali and Santokhi are meeting at the Pegasus Hotel with the private sectors of Guyana and Suriname discussing the incredibly exciting opportunities that there are for greater private sector expansion from the cross border perspective…and it must be a fortuitous and particularly special coincidence that the opening of this store is happening at a time when the Governments and the private sectors of our two countries are meeting to discuss what you have demonstrated is possible and doable,” Minister Singh said addressing the business’ representatives at the launch.

He added that the launch was symbolic as well because while Guyana and Suriname have been neighbours for time immemorial and while there has been movement of people back and forth across the Corentyne River, the economic potential of that proximity has not nearly realized the fullness of its potential.

“President Irfaan Ali could not be more emphatic in his conviction that the private sector will be the driver of economic growth and transformation. Internally, in our respective countries we are committed to making every aspect of doing business easier and simpler, and right now work is ongoing to identify ways in which bureaucratic processes can be simplified,” Minister Singh emphasized.

Meanwhile Suriname’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation, Mr. Albert Ramdin, while congratulating the Company on its fiftieth anniversary, expressed satisfaction that a business in his country had grown and expanded its brand in Guyana.

“This is the first branch in Georgetown. Establishing Optiek Ninon in Guyana is kind of a branding of Suriname as well. We take that as a value that we should not underestimate. We strongly believe that these two markets must be seen as one single market. We have to expand that market-it creates business opportunities, it creates opportunities for growth, investment and employment,” the Surinamese Minister said, then further expressed the hope that Guyanese businesses will also expand and open their doors in
Suriname to create opportunities as well for his country.

Optiek Ninon is a leading optical business in Suriname with over fifty years of experience and six branches in that country. The new store in Guyana is its seventh and first multinational branch. The business’ Founder was the late Ninon Brunings who opened her first store in Suriname in 1971. According to the business’s representatives, Ms. Ninon’s goal and passion was to make good eyesight and good quality glasses accessible to everyone.

They expressed their enthusiasm and excitement at having ventured to Guyana to open the business’ doors and lauded Guyanese for their hospitality and welcoming spirit during the time they spent here making arrangements for the business start-up. The Company has also employed a number of Guyanese as part of its team.

Gov’t to repair critical hinterland roads-Finance Minister

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, August 17, 2021: Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni K. Singh today indicated that Government is allocating funds to address the damages to critical hinterland roads and to effect urgent repairs to these major ingress and egress points to the hinterland regions.

Dr. Singh alluded to specific roads such as the Bartica to Potaro road and the Itaballi to Puruni road in Region 7, which are major arteries in providing access for critical economic activities such as mining and forestry. As a result of flooding recently, these roads sustained severe damage hindering the passage of goods and services to the Regions and affecting productive activity especially in the mining and forestry sectors.

Additionally, funds are being made available to effect repairs to the Lethem-Annai road in the North Repununi (Region # 9) which also suffered damage as a result of flooding in the last few months.

In the 2021 Budget, in support of agriculture, Government removed the VAT on heavy machinery and equipment and reduced land rental charges reverting them to the levels they were in 2014.

More recently as well, the current administration announced further interventions aimed at relieving the suffering which farmers and households endured as a result of the May-June 2021 floods. The Finance Minister noted that the payout of the $7.8 billion package of assistance to these farmers and households to assist in recovery and bolster production will commence ‘during the course of this week’.

Cash transfers will provide strong economic stimulus-says Finance Minister

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, August 17, 2021: Following on the heels of President Irfaan Ali’s announcement last evening of three additional measures of a one-off cash grant of $25,000 to all old age pensioners, another one-off grant of $25,000 to all public assistance recipients and persons living with disabilities and an electricity credit to be paid to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Company on behalf of households consuming not more than 75 kilowatt hours per month, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh in explaining the $2. 6 Billion worth of measures, noted that these all formed part of Government’s aim at providing additional support to the most vulnerable while also stimulating economic activities which will contribute to economic growth in all sectors. The Minister contrasted his Government’s focus to the mandate of the former A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change’s (APNU/AFC’s) which included punitive taxes to generate more funds which were ironically spent wastefully. He also lamented the former administration’s lack of an economic vision except to wait on the oil and gas sector to take off.

“We have delivered in one year far more than they delivered in five years. Consider that what we have done is 1. Reduce taxes on the things that matter the most to people and 2. Deliver support to people at a level that cumulatively, over the five-year period that the APNU/AFC were in Government, did not deliver,” the Finance Minister said.

As to how the various cash grants and other measures will be sustainable on a long term basis coupled with the reduction in taxes, the Senior Finance Minister explained that the interventions may seem like an immediate cost to the treasury but that these measures will in fact stimulate more economic activities, provide a boost to various sectors and even create more jobs.

“When you reduce taxes and reduce the cost of doing business, or when you deliver support to households, that money doesn’t vanish into thin air, it stimulates economic activity. So, by reducing the cost of construction- you stimulate home construction activity, by reducing the cost of mining activities or the cost of agriculture, by removing taxes on heavy equipment, you stimulate economic activity. So, while there may be an immediate or short-term fiscal cost, the real impact is in the stimulation of economic activity that then generates jobs that then generates incomes,” Minister Singh confidently posited.

He explained further that when direct cash transfers are provided for various groups such as to parents of school-aged children, pensioners or public assistance beneficiaries, these citizens in turn use their cash grants in the markets, supermarkets and shops.

“They buy some goods with it (basic necessities), they go to the shops, they go to the service- providers, and it then multiplies itself over in the economy. The person in the market gets more sales, they then (with such sales) go to the wholesaler and they buy more. The wholesaler then goes to the manufacturer and he or she buys more, and more economic activity is stimulated,” the Senior Finance Minister further added.

Alluding to the flood relief interventions recently announced by Government, while the Minister noted that this will commence during the course of this week, he added that all of these measures are part of Government’s efforts at enabling a sustainable economic environment allowing for the growth of new emerging sectors while placing additional income into the hands of citizens.

Further elaborating on the Governing styles of the current government as against the former, Minister Singh concluded that there are three clear distinctions with the first being that the former administration had no long-term economic vision except to wait on the oil sector to take off. He said the second distinction is that the current government, unlike the former, continues to be on the ground actually working. The Finance Minister added that the third distinction was that the composition of the Budgets of both administrations showed a clear difference with the current Government focusing on reorienting the National Budgets so that allocations are injected into areas which really matter and can sustain long term economic growth as against the former Government’s wasteful spending on ‘inconsequential, inefficient and less productive areas’, despite raising taxes and collecting additional revenue from citizens.


Senior Finance Minister leads roll out of Government’s ‘Because We Care’ Cash Grant at Queen’s College

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, August 10, 2021: Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni K. Singh today led the roll out of the ‘Because We Care’ cash grant at Queen’s College (QC) on Camp Street. Prior to handing over the first grants to parents, the Minister expressed his joy at being able to participate in the disbursement of the cash grant at his Alma Mater.

“Let me first of all say what a great pleasure and tremendous and emotional experience it is for me to be able to be here today with you. As you know we have been holding events such as this throughout the length and breadth of Guyana. I spent seven of my best years right here at Camp and Thomas Lands. I believe and I consider myself immensely privileged to have had what I still consider to be perhaps the finest education I could have had almost anywhere in the world- right here at Camp and Thomas Lands,” the Minister said

Addressing students, parents and teachers, the Finance Minister underscored Government’s commitment to achieving universal primary and secondary education as well as raising the quality of education countrywide. He emphasized Government’s plan to ensure every student exits high school with a well-rounded, quality education and equipped to participate meaningfully in the Guyanese economy.

“This event represents a tangible demonstration of President Irfaan Ali’s Government (our Government, your Government’s) firm commitment to ensuring that we create the conditions that are necessary for today’s generation of young Guyanese to acquire the education that they need in order to play the most fulfilling and most meaningful, possible roles that they can play in the Guyana of tomorrow,” Minister Singh added.

The Minister further urged parents, teachers and others eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines to ensure that they get vaccinated to protect themselves as well as prepare themselves for the possible reopening of schools in September. Additionally, he took the opportunity to commend teachers and parents countrywide for the efforts they made in adapting to remote delivery and absorption of educational content during the challenging period of COVID-19.

Minister Singh noted that the cash grant disbursement would go a long way in meeting the critical needs of students to purchase stationery, uniforms and other school supplies, adding that the total countrywide disbursement will place in excess of $ 3.3 Billion into the hands of parents of these children.

Senior Finance Minister meets with World Bank Vice-President Carlos Felipe Jaramillo

WB team here for strategic dialogue with Government on partnership going forward

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, August 3, 2021: A High-level World Bank (WB) team led by its Vice President responsible for the Latin American and Caribbean Region, Carlos Felipe Jaramillo is here on a two-day visit and today met with Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance Dr. Ashni Singh in the Finance Ministry’s Boardroom. The visit aims to reaffirm the World Bank’s commitment to Guyana and to assess areas for further opportunities for expanded partnership in pursuit of the country’s national development goals. The team will also have discussions with Government on a number of projects. The visit serves also as an opportunity for dialogue between the Bank and the Government of Guyana on the Government’s economic objectives and priorities and how the World Bank can support these through its assistance and lending programmes.

During the meeting, Minister Singh acknowledged the Bank’s support over the years, adding that he looked forward to further assist in strengthening the partnership between Guyana and the Bank.

Following the meeting with the Finance Minister, the World Bank team, along with officials from the Ministry of Finance inspected various developmental and completed project sites which form part of the World Bank’s project portfolio in Guyana.

The site visits included pump stations at Enmore, Lusignan and Liliendaal that fall under the Flood Risk Management project for Guyana. The objective of that project is to reduce the risk of flooding in the low-lying areas of the East Demerara. Civil works are underway to improve drainage, update critical sections of the East Demerara Water Conservancy dams and channels, and improve hydro- meteorological monitoring.

Additionally, the team visited the Westminster Secondary School, West Bank Demerara which falls under the Secondary Education Improvement Project. The school caters for 1000 students residing in the Region 3 area and offers amenities in TVET, Home Economics, Allied Arts, Science and Information Technology Laboratories and a library, in addition to classrooms and a dance studio. A multi-purpose hall is provided for indoor sports, large gatherings as well as seating for the canteen facilities. The facility also caters for persons with special needs with wheelchair access to all areas on both floors.

The World Bank has been supporting various projects in Guyana over the years through a number of loans and grants including a US$20M loan for the Guyana Petroleum Governance and Management Project to support the enhancement of legal and institutional frameworks and the strengthening of the capacity of key institutions to manage the Oil and Gas sector in Guyana. Additionally, the Bank loaned US$6M to Guyana under the Guyana Payments System Project to improve Guyana’s national payments system, while another US$13.3M was loaned for the Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project to improve student learning outcomes through reform of curriculum and teaching practices, US 37. 9M under the Flood Risk Management Project and US$12.5M towards the COVID-19 Emergency Response Project.

Further, the Bank also provided a US$7M Grant to this country towards the Guyana Education Sector Programme Project for the improvement and learning conditions at the nursery level in select areas, the increase use of technology-assisted learning at the primary level in select areas and to improve functionality of the education management information system nationally.

The visiting World Bank team also includes incoming Country Director for the Caribbean, Lilia Burunciuc and Outgoing Country Director for the Caribbean, Tahseen Sayed.

Senior Finance Minister visits Emerge BPO Facility

Says PPP/C Government will continue to promote Guyana as premier destination for BPO operations during current term in office

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, July 27, 2021: During a tour of the Emerge Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) facility located at Camp and Robb Streets, Lacytown, Georgetown today, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, who was accompanied by Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Office for Investment, Peter Ramsaroop, lauded the efforts of the business’s proprietors Adrian Collins and Carole Fletcher for their hard work and vision which have allowed for the current employment of approximately 700 in the BPO industry, including 500 in Guyana. During the visit, the Minister met with Director of Operations Dalgeish Joseph and Director of Client Services, Aisha D’Abreu. He encouraged the businesspersons to ensure the expansion of operations to other Regions reiterating that the BPO sector has the potential to create jobs, generate income, spur economic activity and improve lives.

Minister Singh alluded to the People’s Progressive Party /Civic Government’s (PPP/C’s) effort prior to demitting office in 2015, promoting Guyana as a destination for BPO business which had proven to be a success. He noted that this effort will continue once more by Government during its current term. The Senior Finance Minister further commended the businesspersons for their investment in Guyana as he once more alluded to the fact that the current Irfaan-Ali led Government strongly supports any effort by businesses which aligns with its vision of diversification of the economy, part of which includes promoting Guyana as a premier destination for BPO business. This, he noted, will also contribute to ensuring the country maintains a stable macro-economic environment.

“In the pre-2015 period, we had already recognized the vast potential for BPO service, and we had invested a lot of policy effort into the sector,” Minister Singh said explaining that Emerge BPO is yet another example of what can be achieved by persons willing to invest in Guyana.

The Minister had echoed similar sentiments during his visits and tours of Express International Incorporated located in Georgetown and Qualfon at Providence on the East Bank of Demerara, both being BPO facilities.

He had referenced the fact that many businesses internationally are recognizing Guyana as a prime destination for BPO services especially with its English-speaking population, its educated workforce and its close proximity to the United States of America and Canada.

“As a Government, we would like to see the BPO sector continue to grow as it will allow for the creation of jobs and the generation of income,” the Finance Minister posited.

Emerge BPO commenced operations in 2008 and provides a variety of outsourcing services to clients with agents operating from Guyana, North America and Honduras.

Finance Minister tours Express International Inc.

Lauds CEO on job-creation initiative, investment in Guyana, plans for expansion

Alludes to PPP/C Government’s intention to continue promoting Guyana as a premier destination for BPO operations

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, July 20, 2021: During a tour of Express International Incorporated on Hadfield Street today, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, who was accompanied by Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Office for Investment, Peter Ramsaroop, lauded the efforts of the business’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Ken Deocharran at pursuing his vision which has since materialized into a successful Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) facility in Guyana employing 285 Guyanese and heading towards expansion soon. The Senior Finance Minister commended the businessman for his investment in Guyana and alluded to the fact that the current Irfaan-Ali led Government strongly supports any effort by businesses which also aligns with its vision of diversification of the economy in the form of expansion of new sectors such as the services and tourism industries. This, he noted, will also contribute to ensuring the country maintains a stable macro-economic environment.

“In the pre-2015 period, we had already recognized the vast potential for BPO service, and we had invested a lot of policy effort into the sector,” Minister Singh said explaining that Express International Inc. is one example of what can be achieved by persons in the Guyanese Diaspora willing to invest in the country.

“This is an example of a Guyanese in the diaspora who saw an opportunity in Guyana and an example of what can be achieved in the BPO sector,” the Minister reiterated as he also noted that the business includes a Guyanese management team of highly professional persons and based on his assessment following the tour, boasts an impressive operation. Additionally, the Minister referenced the fact that many businesses internationally are recognizing Guyana as a prime destination for BPO services especially with its English-speaking population, its educated workforce and its close proximity to the United States of America and Canada.

“As a Government, we would like to see the BPO sector continue to grow as it will allow for the creation of jobs and the generation of income,” the Finance Minister posited

On its website Express International Inc. has referenced its President and CEO Mr. Ken Deocharran, 37, as a freeporter and Guyana native who started his trucking and courier service business in 2006 and who has since built a $15 million company with roughly 120 trucks delivering goods throughout the tristate area and in Chattanooga, Tennessee in the United States.

It also enlists itself as specializing in expedited high-value shipping services, providing these services to global and domestic clients through distinguishable, time-sensitive service, specialized equipment, and professionally trained staff.

Senior Finance Minister’s NIS outreach launch at Giftland Mall attracts scores of Guyanese

Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, July 17, 2021: As Government continues to address a number of pertinent issues affecting citizens, the National Insurance Scheme’s (NIS) countrywide outreach launched by Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh today at the Giftland Mall, resulted in scores of citizens coming out to visit the site and have their issues addressed. The outreach saw the Minister, NIS Board Chairman Ramesh Persaud and General Manager, Holly Greaves along with Board Directors and other NIS staff meeting with citizens and listening to the issues they would have had with regard to claims and other matters.

“We started at 10, we’ve already seen 85 persons out of which 60 thereabout, we’ve already resolved their matter to their satisfaction ….there are probably about 25 or thereabout that will require further investigation, further inquiry, further checking of records, further work but I’m very pleased that we got the response that we got ….lots of people came,” the Senior Finance Minister reported to the media at about 13:30 hrs with the day’s session planned to continue until 16:00 hrs.

The Minister lauded the efforts of the new Board and its management for working assiduously to resolve the large number of issues and pending claims since the Board’s appointment in November, 2020.

“I’m very happy to say that the board and management have done a lot of work …have achieved quite a lot and to give you some examples …when the new Board was appointed in November last year, we had a stock of about 14,000 pending claims. They are now down to about 3,000 or thereabout so they’ve managed to clear out a number of pending claims,” Minister Singh said. Additionally, the Minister noted that NIS has also been able to successfully resolve the challenges with regard to their Life Certificates.

“When we came into Government there was an ongoing challenge with Life Certificates that had been submitted and that were not processed in a timely manner… on average in each pension cycle you’d have probably about 3000 that were not being processed in a timely manner which would result in a pensioner being paid their pension late or would result in a pensioner dropping off the pensioner’s roll. We’ve now reduced that to zero,“ he posited .

Minister Singh further noted that NIS has been able to use technology to aid in resolving some of their challenges such as allowing pensioners to send their Life Certificates via Whatsapp.

The Senior Finance Minister emphasized further that the Outreach would be continuing countrywide as the Irfaan Ali-led Government was adamant that NIS needs to resolve all of the issues in the shortest possible time.

“The President has mandated me as the Minister responsible for the NIS -we have undertaken at the Cabinet level -a nationwide series of outreaches so that we are able to take the services of NIS to the Citizens….some citizens are not even able to get to a regional office. We want them to be able to come to a convenient location to register their complaint or their problem that they have and to be able to process those. These complaints are very diverse in nature. Some people are having challenges with their incomplete contribution records, “Minister Singh concluded.

The matters being dealt with at the Outreaches include Compliance certificates, Contribution statements, Registration & replacement of NIS cards, Signing and submission of Life Certificates, Submission of Claims and Benefit and Pension queries.

The Senior Finance Minister along with the NIS team are slated to continue the Outreach tomorrow at the car park in Parika, Region Three while additional Outreach locations and dates are to be announced later.